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Best Social Media Marketing Campaign of 2019: Everything you need to learn

Marketing is the essence of any business and without it, no business can survive for long.  As we have evolved, our ways of marketing have evolved too. Earlier, marketing used to be done via  radio advertisement, roadside banner displays and more. Even today the traditional ways do exist but it isn’t enough anymore.  Today, there are a number of ways to grow your business like Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing and more. However, today we are going to talk about Social Media Marketing and discuss the best Social Media Campaign of the year 2019 and why. You must have read about businesses prospering just by targeting Social Media channels but the year 2019 was not about any business’ Social Media campaign, it was about a political party. Yes, you guessed it right !!!! It’s none other than the Bhartiya Janta Party(BJP) that took the Social Media by storm and landed themselves a complete sweep over other political parties

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